Eagle nebula - messier 16

A very cropped image with my William Optics scope of the Eagle Nebula - M16. This is such an iconic area of the night sky as it was made famous by an image of the so-called "Pillars of Creation". Three towers of gas and dust, standing light-years tall, are giving birth to new stars, buried within their dusty spires. You can just make these out in the centre of the frame!
Target Details
Radius: 70x55 light years
Coordinates: RA 18h 18m 48s | Dec -13° 49’
Distance from earth: 5700 light years
Apparent magnitude: 6.4
Acquisition Details
30 x 600” (5h) - Sii
30 x 600” (5h) - Ha
30 x 600” (5h) - Oiii
60 x 30” (30m) - RGB
Imaging Telescope: William Optics ZenithStar 73 / ZS73
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
Filters:Antila H-alpha,Oiii, Sii 3nm 1.25"